Working, Climbing, Living
I've been working a bunch, and climbing most evenings after work. Since I can't take my camera along through the canyons, and it's always near dark when I'm climbing, I haven't taken many pictures. I had a day off today though, and went on a mission with my friend Fabio to a really cool climbing spot called Denti della Vecchia (teeth of the old woman). Most of the climbing around this area is on granite or quartzite, but Denti della Vecchia is limestone. It's the same rock that makes up the Dolomites, and it makes for awesome climbing. Here's an overview of the area.
Fabio trying to find our route...this wasn't it.
Unfortunately my camera was too big to take along on the climb, but we took Fabio's, so I'll get pictures from him and post those up. Another overview shot on the way home.
And this is my attempt at showing our route.
Unfortunately it's hard to tell from this angle where we climbed, so this is my best guess. It was five pitches covering a little over 100 meters. Pretty easy climbing, but the scenery was absolutely gorgeous, so it was very worth it. We'll be headed back soon to climb something more difficult. I'll also try to get some canyoning photos from a friend's waterproof camera. Stay tuned.