Monday, June 07, 2010

A Busy Month

After my travel debacle, I had a few days to recover, then began the longest month of my life. Since the company I'm working for does rafting trips as well as canyoning, they wanted me to get my rafting certification. Cool, no problem. But I also needed to get fully certified as a Swiss canyoning guide. So I signed up for those courses as well. All told, that's 24 days of outdoor classes in a month. And unlike most American outdoor classes that I've done which seem to finish up around 5pm, these Swissies have no qualms about keeping you busy for 12-14 hours a day. All in all, I learned a bit, spent a lot of money, made good friends, and most importantly passed all my certification tests. So, I'm legal and ready for a busy summer. I didn't get much of a chance to take pictures, but here's a few...

Beautiful scenery, even when the weather sucks:

A cool (but really hard to photograph) Roman bridge:

This is what I paid $4k for?:

My temporary accommodations (no, not the van, the house behind it):

The view from the front yard (and yes, that's climbable):

Alpine glow and waterfalls:

I went to Interlaken to take my rafting test. Most of my time there was a drunken whirlwind, but here's the view out of my hostel window looking towards the Jungfrau (just visible behind the clouds).

Glad to be done with May. Looking forward to a good June.


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